Birr's Leviathan telescope has been named one of Ireland's seven wonders.

Birr telescope named one of Ireland's seven wonders

Birr Castle's Leviathan telescope has been named one of the seven wonders of Ireland in a new Irish Atlas. The "Atlas of Ingenious Ireland" is part of the Dublin City of Science 2012 programme and highlights Irish sites of scientific interest. An online interactive map can be explored at The Leviathan telescope was for many years the world's largest telescope. Other wonders highlighted in the atlas include the world's oldest working lighthouse at Hook Head and the Giant's Causeway. Sixty places of scientific interest around the country and the top ten astromony sites are also included. Speaking about the wonders that made the cut journalist and author of "Ingenious Ireland" Mary Mulvihill said "it was hard choosing just seven wonders, but we think these are special". "We hope the Atlas encourages people to get out and about and explore some of the many fascinating places around, and to discover that Irish has this rich scientific heritage," she added. Chief Scientific Advisor to the Irish Government Professor Patrick Cunningham also gave the new atlas the thumbs up, describing it as "an ingenious tool" that builds a picture of Ireland's innovative discoveries.