Time to spring clean your diet!

These days, the idea of eating foods "in season" has nearly lost its meaning. Worldwide distribution has now made a variety of foods available all year round. However, buying seasonally harvested and locally grown produce from farmers" markets and local grocers not only helps sustain regional agriculture, but also assures you"re getting the highest quality in freshness and taste. Spring is a time for growth and rejuvenation Often, people associate spring with cleaning the house, or clearing the garden of debris from the winds of winter. But, if you know your New Year"s resolutions of a healthier lifestyle have started to slip, why not use this time to spring clean the way you eat. Read on for some healthy foods to help put the spring back in your diet: Asparagus: Rich in vitamins A and C, calcium, iron and folate. Choose asparagus stalks that are rounded, with firm, thin stems and dark green or purplish closed tips. Just one serving of cooked asparagus provides over half of the daily requirement for folate, essential for heart health and prevention of birth defects. Salmon: The health benefits of eating fatty, cold-water fish are widely known, but salmon contains the highest volume of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for maintaining good heart health Spinach: Is a rich source of vitamin A (for cardiovascular health) and vitamin K (for bone health). Is it any wonder it was a favourite of Popeye? Apricots: Not only do they help satisfy a sweet tooth, but the vibrant orange and yellow colours signal a plentiful supply of antioxidants. They are also rich with beta-carotene and lycopene, two carotenoids important in reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and maintain a healthy heart. Scallions: These tasty vegetables are available year-round but are at their peak when they make their debut in those first few weeks of spring. They also provide vitamins A and C, calcium and iron. Peas: Are a rich source of folate and a wide range of B vitamins, essential for the proper metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Avocados: Often avoided by those watching their weight due to a high fat content, avocados have made a comeback as a great source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats to help lower cholesterol. Introducing a few small changes to your diet this spring could make a big difference to your health over time. So why not extend spring"s fresh start to the way you eat?