Aoife with her winning image.

National success for Sacred Heart Transition Year duo

Congratulations to Sacred Heart Secondary School Tullamore Transition Year students Aoife Timmerman and Sophie Mathews who won first place and highly commended awards respectively in the Mental Health Ireland Photography Competition. The students entered the national photography and art competition in October which focused on themes related to wellbeing.  Aoife and Sophie's work stood out to judges, capturing the message of mental health in a creative and innovative way.
Aoife was awarded first place (senior cycle) and will receive a three hundred euro one for all voucher. Her photograph will also feature in the national Mental Ireland 2021 calendar. Sophie was place as Highly Commended (Senior Cycle) and will receive a certificate award.


Aoife with her winning image

Sophie with her highly commended entry.
A virtual exhibition of the photographs will be displayed on the Mental Health Ireland Website and it is hoped that a live exhibition of the finalist work will be displayed at Dun Laoighaire Library in October.
Meanwhile The Sacred Heart School Safer Internet team were delighted to have received notification that they had won the Best use of Social Media award at the recent Safer Internet day awards hosted by Webwise. The team made up of students across a number of year groups have worked tirelessly all year on their social media campaign. Led by Safer Internet day ambassadors, 2nd year students,  Jane Smith and Alice Ward the group worked on developing videos and posters which they posted on the school facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages. They developed tips of the day which gave people ideas on how to protect themselves while online.