Ellie Dignam with her favourite cowboy boots.

Put your best foot forward for new Edenderry art project

Creative Edenderry is still accepting portraits and is asking all residents — past and present — of Edenderry to submit a photo of themselves with their favourite shoes.

The exhibition, which will be on the frontage of the old Tesco/O’Briens site on JKL Street, will be on display for St Patrick's week. It will feature local community members holding a pair of their favourite shoes in commemoration of the role of the shoe factory in the town.

Creative Edenderry’s photo exhibition is a celebration of the strong community bonds which developed during the shoe factory era and are continuing to develop with Edenderry’s continued expansion and development. The aim of the project is to tie the stories of the past with the present as the town steps into the future.

There has been a great response to the initial call for photos. A wide range of photos and stories have been submitted. These are now up for all to see and read on the Creative Edenderry Facebook page (Creative Edenderry) and Instagram page (creative_edenderry).

Photos can be taken with your phone, try and make sure they are the best quality possible and against a plain background. No selfies please. Email creativeedenderry@gmail.com with a couple/few lines about your shoes and include your photo as an attachment.