Independent Cllr Sean O'Brien.

Local councillor calls for Russian ambassador to be expelled from Ireland

Independent councillor Sean O'Brien has called on the government to expel the Russian Ambassador and his staff from Ireland immediately.

"We cannot stand idly by and pretend that the Russian Government is not slaughtering thousands of innocent Ukrainian citizens day by day, destroying their homes, towns, cities and livelihood.

"Their bombing and shelling has targeted homes, creches, schools, hospitals, ambulances and blocks of apartments. They have killed families in their cars as they try to get out. This is nothing but barbaric behaviour and a serious crime against humanity" said Cllr O'Brien.

"The Russian Ambassador is quick to condemn protests at the Russian Embassy and the truck that crashed into the gates of the Embassy, demanding protection and quoting the Geneva Convention. And yet he condones and supports the genocide on a large scale that is being visited on the Ukrainian people by his Government," Cllr O'Brien continued.

"With 1.7 million Ukrainian residents displaced and forced to flee and likely to be followed by millions more this is the worst act of naked aggression in Europe since World War II. It looks like Russia will not stop until the whole country is destroyed. The stories reported by innocent families are heartrending.

"Meanwhile the Russian Embassy here is allowed to go about its business as if nothing is happening and expecting our security forces to protect them. It is time to act decisively" he urged.