Tullamore's Tolü features in new documentary

Tullamore singer Tolü Makay is one of 24 multidisciplinary artists to feature in a new art documentary fimed in Bunratty Castle called 'The Space Between- An Spás Eadrainn.'

Tolü was selected as one of Ireland's "ones to watch" for 2019 by Dave Allen and her single 'Let Me In' featured on Spotify playlists Easy and New Music Friday UK. The 27-year-old will perform a number of live performances in November as part of her tour 'The Tolu Makay Experience.'

The artists gathered together over five days to collaborate on the new documentary which will be broadcast today (Friday, March 18) at 11.30pm on TG4.

'The Space Between' asks questions encompassing where the human connection and human condition sit within our creative process Director and artist Susan O'Neill invited a diverse selection of musicians, authors, actors, dancers, tai chi masters, milliners, painters and potters to collaborate for the exciting project.

The documentary is narrated by Liam Ó Maonlaí, and features Dónal Lunny, John Spillane, Daithí, Varo, Clare Sands and Manchán Magan.

This multidisciplinary art fusion invites artists who have never collaborated and in most cases have not met, to surrender to the sentiment of witnessing and being witnessed in their creative process. The experience invites the participants to trust themselves and each other in the venture into active improvisational practice of passion.

In a series of interview questions the collaborators investigate what role the creative process has to play in their lives. All collaborators agreed to participate in what can be described as an intense and profound eye gaze, two minutes of unbroken eye contact facing their new collaborator. As we dive into what contact means to each personal contributor, what space means to them and what is important about sharing it, some common themes are found. Susan captures a rekindling of the human connection.

Susan’s songwriting is currently shortlisted for the Vanda and Young songwriting award, her collaboration album ‘In The Game’ with Mick Flannery was both nominated for album of the year in both the RTÉ Radio 1 folk awards, and the recent Choice music prize. For 'The Space Between' Susan collaborated with filmmakers from Collective Films, Lettercollum Studios and creative consultant and film editor Christopher Luke, from Seven Red Squares. It was co-produced with Star House Collective.

'The Space Between' was made possible with funding from the Business to arts partnership with Bunratty Castle, Co Clare arts office and TG4.