Pictured are Anna Doherty and West End star Rebecca Storm.

Former Midland Drama Schools student selected to work with West End royalty

Past pupil of Midland Drama Schools Anna Doherty was recently selected to join the national youth cast and work and train with leading West End creatives after auditioning against many talented young students across Ireland.

Anna had the opportunity to perform the concert performance in the National Concert Hall on Friday July 1, co-starring musical theatre royalty, Rebecca Storm. This was a total sell-out production and a huge achievement for Anna who has been studying and performing musical theatre with Midland Drama Schools in both voice and acting grade exams from the age of five.

Anna has played many leading roles throughout her career including Rapunzel and Mary Poppins to name a few. Director of Midland Drama Schools Lorraine Wynne expressed her congratulations to the talented young performer. “Anna is an extremely talented singer and actress. Everyone in Midland Drama Schools is so excited for Anna and what the future holds.”