ACT is asking people to support its walk fundraiser in Tullamore

Accessible Counselling Tullamore (ACT) is asking the people of the Midlands to support its fundraiser, Unite Through The Night, on Saturday, October 15, at Tullamore Harriers where participants will be walking united in their commitment to bring hope and help to people struggling with their mental health.

ACT is asking everyone to come along and join anytime between 6pm and midnight and to walk for as long as you can.

Register to walk at - Cost: Over 16 - €15/Under 16 - €5

The night will kick off with an opening ceremony framed by the setting sun, there will be music by local artists and a brief opening address and a time for reflection.

The walk will then commence on the running track where everyone can walk at their own pace and meet people of all ages and backgrounds, each with their own story of why they are walking. The route is safe and clearly marked and there will be stewards and support crew on hand, gentle music playing and food and refreshments available by local vendors.

Every participant will be given a tea light to place along the track. These will line the route and will serve as a reminder of the importance of ACT's mission – which is to support the local community maintain positive mental health. ACT provides the people of the Midlands with accessible, affordable and timely counselling and psychotherapy but the organisation says we must all play our part to support those around us that are struggling by engaging, listening and connecting with care. United, we can all take steps to promote positive mental health in our community.

The walk will conclude with a closing ceremony at midnight, where all will stand together, each with their own journey that has led them there, and all will vow to continue to unite together for a brighter tomorrow.