Dr Kerry Traynor, Mary McHugh, Claire Murray(local Sinn Féin member) and Sorca Clarke Sinn Féin TD.

Edenderry woman on mission to raise awareness of menopause

Mary McHugh is hoping to make a difference for women by increasing awareness around menopause across Ireland and recently spoke in Leinster House about the challenges for women in this area.

Mary, who is also known as Mary Menopause said: “You don't have to be the standard 50 to 54 year old. I went through perimenopause when I was 34 years old."

Mary uses her Instagram and Facebook pages to connect with women, offer advice and information on supports and services available to them and organises regular talks.

Mary held her first event for women in Killeen's Pub in Rhode on Tuesday, June 27 to educate them about the changes they can expect during the menopause and supports available to them. Longford Westmeath TD Sorca Clarke attended the meeting and then asked Mary to go to Leinster House to educate the TDs about the challenges for women and speak about her own personal experience.

“I explained to them what happened to me. At the end, the female TD's said it was a great open conversation. I explained that 50% of the population go through it (the menopause) and the other 50% have to live with it.”

“I went through perimenopause when I was 34 years old. I had a medical procedure in August 2018 as my periods were coming two or three times a month,” Mary explained. Following that Mary had her tubes tied and a procedure to help hold off her period. “I was only 40 at that stage and two years after I had a smear test and I was two years without a period so they put me on HRT.”

“I would like to see the roll out of more clinics and to educate young people about menopause in sex education.” Mary was asked by Minister Pippa Hackett along with a number of TDs to come to their constituencies to give talks as they didn't feel that their area was receiving sufficient information on the subject.

Mary also told the TDs that there is a world outside Dublin. “We need more infrastructure in the midlands. You have to have a serious illness to get into the outpatient clinic at Coombe Hospital.”

She also highlighted that most GP's are not educated enough on menopause and perimenopause. "Doctors should be given the chance to retrain. If there was a specialist in every clinic it would save women so much anxiety."

Dr Kerry Trainor who provides information for women at Mary's informative talks completed a course to learn more about menopause. Mary explained that she had also met two nurses, Jane Richardson and Laura McCormack, who had undergone training on the subject.

As a result, they were frustrated with the lack of solutions for women in tackling menopause and so they started their own business, 'Chill Jill.' They put a pack together which includes cooling spray for the face and a discreet fan.

“I'm very lucky I met two nurses who trained and learned more about the menopause.” Jane Richardson and Laura McCormack were frustrated with the lack of solution for women in tackling menopause and so they started their own business, 'Chill Jill.'

Mary added: “It's just so hard to find companies that will change their way of thinking.”

The Offaly woman also highlighted another issue which arises from menopause which is that many women are leaving the workforce due to the effects of brain fog and losing confidence as a result. Mary is currently studying a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering and Cloud Computing in TUS Athlone. She explained that unfortunately as a result of the effects of menopause womens' cognitive ability is reduced so they don't enter these industries.

“I would love to be able to set up talks for every man and woman in Ireland. I keep on saying to women we will be heard. I'm going to keep fighting this campaign for as long as I can.”

Managing Director of Meaghers Pharmacy Group and Pharmacist Oonagh O'Hagan has also offered her services to Mary to film live videos on Mary's Instagram page to educate women about what supplements are available to them and answer a variety of queries.

For more information visit Mary's Facebook page, Mary Menopause and Instagram page @mary_earlymenopause