Pictured are course facilitators Julie O’Flaherty and Imelda Ferguson.

Mindfulness and relaxation course to be held in Tullamore

A practical half-day experiential course on using mindful meditation and relaxation to improve emotional balance and well-being will take place next week in Tullamore.

Over the course of the morning there will be an overview of the principles and attitudes of mindfulness as well as practice of several mindful meditations including body-scan meditation, acceptance-based meditation, compassion-focussed meditation and progressive muscular relaxation.

The course will be run by Tullamore-based chartered clinical psychologists Julie O'Flaherty and Imelda Ferguson.

Imelda Ferguson and Julie are psychologists in private practice with extensive experience working in the adult mental health field. They run the Mind Your Self Midlands positive psychology service and they recently ran a three-evening 'Beat Anxiety Bootcamp' which was very well received.

The mindfullness course will take place on Monday, November 21 from 10am to 1pm in the Central Hotel, Main Street, Tullamore.

Places on the Morning of Mindfulness and Relaxation cost €100 and the fee includes tea and coffee.

To book a place, contact Imelda on 087 2271630 or Julie on 087 2399328. Advance booking is essential.

For more information see Mind Your Self Midlands on Facebook.