Offaly Gardaí advising public to be suspicious of people impersonating Gardaí

Gardaí are aware of an increase in the number of incidents of people impersonating Gardaí.

Recent incidents of this type involve the ‘conmen’ requesting to check cash held by the injured party as a result of an increase in counterfeit cash circulating in the area, or that the ‘conmen’ need to check the security of the house as a result of an increase in burglaries in the area.

An Garda Síochána will not cold call to a house and request to do either of these.

An Garda Síochána wish to remind the public that any Garda member calling to your door will have identification. Should you have any concerns about the person at the door, you should not answer the door even if they are purporting to be a Garda. It's recommended that people have conversations with family, friends and neighbours on this issue, particularly those that may be more vulnerable.

Genuine Gardaí will always provide details to allow you to confirm their identity with the local Garda Station and will be patient while you choose to do so.