‘Go Amber’ for Pieta on World Suicide Prevention Day

This World Suicide Prevention Day (Sunday, September 10), Pieta, Ireland’s national suicide prevention charity is calling on people to ‘Go Amber’ and donate to be a Ray of Hope for local communities.

As an organisation that relies on public donations for 85% of its funding, Pieta is calling on individuals, businesses, and communities to come together and support this vital initiative. World Suicide Prevention Day marks the beginning of the campaign, which will run until World Mental Health Day on the 10th October. Amber is the official colour of World Suicide Prevention Day, so during this month, where the focus is on suicide prevention and mental health, Pieta is calling on the public to embrace the colour and support ‘Go Amber’. Donations are crucial to help cover the €17 million it costs to run Pieta’s services annually. In 2022 the charity delivered 986 hours of one-to-one intervention and bereavement therapy each week, in addition to the almost 100,000 calls and texts received by the 24/7 crisis helpline that year.

There are a number of ways to get involved and become a Ray of Hope for your community:

Donate Directly: Every contribution counts. Individuals, businesses, and communities are encouraged to make direct donations to www.goamber.ie

Support Participating Local Businesses: Keep an eye out for local businesses displaying ‘Go Amber’ posters in their businesses these businesses have committed to supporting Pieta during this campaign.

Host Your Own Fundraising Events: Consider organising a fundraiser within your community to support ‘Go Amber’.

Raise Awareness: Spread the word about Pieta’s vital services and ‘Go Amber’ through your social media channels, newsletters, and local community.

Speaking about the campaign, Stephanie Manahan, Pieta CEO said, “Your donation is not just a donation, it goes towards giving someone the specialist support and treatment they need to save their life. It is a ray of hope for those struggling with their mental health. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of individuals and families who depend on our services.”

To show your support and contribute to ‘Go Amber’, please visit www.goamber.ie and donate whatever you can to help Pieta continue to provide essential support and hope to those battling suicidal thoughts and mental health challenges throughout Ireland.