Croneen at Waterfall, Birr, by Tina Claffey, one of the beautiful illustrations contained in River Songs.

Birr woman's collection of new river poems

A new collection of poems by acclaimed Birr writer Eileen Casey is to be launched in the town next week.

'River Songs' is a novel concept which began as a Creative Ireland project earlier this year.

Eileen Casey explained: Over a few months I went into both primary schools in Birr, Saint Brendan’s (boys) and Mercy Convent (girls). The visits were enjoyable and throughout the sessions we discussed the Camcor and its environmental treasures. Both schools are within a short distance of the river and as in my case, provides one of the soundtracks to their young lives.

“I come from High Street and attended Mercy Convent while my brothers went to Saint Brendan’s. They were happy days overall,” she said

River Songs features 37 new poems, including Kingfisher Sighting (below), a series of beautiful illustrations and is accompanied by a number of online poems by children from the two primary schools.

“Children are natural poets and before long, they’d gotten into poetic mode,” Eileen explained. “River birds were a popular theme and a lot of the poems were concerned with mallards, swans, kingfishers. The fish of Birr, croneen, were also explored.

"It was also good to alert the children to the possibilities creative writing might offer them. It’s a pleasurable pursuit and opens the door to lots of adventures."

The children’s poems are featured in Live Encounters, an online journal, which boasts a global readership. Before Christmas, the children will have the opportunity to read their poems in Birr Library’s Atrium, another worthwhile experience. The poetic flame burns bright in our young poets. All the children’s poems can be accessed here

River Songs, by Eileen Casey, will launch on Wednesday, December 13, in Birr Library at 6.30pm to 7.30pm. All welcome. Acknowledgements are due to Creative Ireland and Offaly County Council and to both primary schools for their enthusiastic welcome. Also, Eileen issued a big thanks to all the contributors of wonderful images including Bird Watch Ireland, Tina Claffey, Emma Barone, among others.