Two people arrested as gardaí seize €180,000 in cash in Dublin

James Cox

Gardaí arrested two people and seized €180,000 in cash in a search on Sunday morning.

Gardaí attached to the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau carried out a search at a residence in Dublin 22.

The search was conducted as part of Operation Tara and an ongoing investigation into a west Dublin based organised crime group involved in the sale and supply of controlled drugs.

During the course of the search, gardaí seized cash in excess of €180,00.

A man and a woman (both in their 30s) were arrested in connection with this seizure.

Both of them are currently detained under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act, 1996 at Garda stations in the Dublin Metropolitan Region.

Investigations are ongoing, gardaí said.